Neck pain is a common issue faced by many individuals. Constant pain experienced while carrying out activities of daily life, prolonged hours of sitting in the same posture, abrupt sleeping positions, or uncomfortable postures can exacerbate the neck discomfort. Also, in females Breastfeeding mothers are particularly at risk of developing neck pain due to prolonged hours of maintaining uncomfortable postures.

Pain in the cervical region, radiating pain from neck to shoulder /arm, tingling sensation, numbness, burning sensation, weakness in the extremities are the common symptoms of neck pain which can significantly impact activities of daily life.
Cervical pain can be acute or chronic, depending on the severity of the condition. If not addressed promptly, it may interfere with daily activities and reduce the quality of life.
Expert interventions from ABTP, can help improve this condition through conservative treatment methods.
How does ABTP Suggest you Manage Cervical Pain?
According to studies, nearly 50% of the individuals continue to experience discomfort or pain in the neck throughout their lives. Based on the underlying factors, this pain can be neuropathic or mechanical in nature and can even prevail for years.
FACT SHARE: It is observed that more than a third of the population experiences recurrent cervical pain.
Chronic as well as acute cervical pain , caused due to faulty posture, herniated discs, myofascial pain or muscle strain, are best managed with the treatment options available at ABTP until surgery becomes a necessary resort.
Most people often seek temporary relief from cervical pain using muscle relaxants, ointments, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, the most effective approach involves proper diagnosis & appropriate treatment.
Movement Matters in Cervical Pain
The primary aim of the rehabilitation services at ABTP is to improve restricted neck movements by increasing the range of motion. Various treatment methods are used to alleviate the pain, strengthen the neck, improve the posture and prevent the recurrence of pain.
1.Relieving Cervical Pain:
Various modalities are employed in the initial stages in order to decrease inflammation, enhance tissue relaxation and relieve pain. Through this, the Experts at ABTP focus on helping the patient manage pain through different modalities (Interferential Therapy (IFT), Ultrasonic Massage Therapy & Tecar Therapy).

2. Improving Range of Motion through different manual therapy techniques:
To increase mobility in the restricted muscles / joints / fascia / nerves, experts at ABTP carry out joint mobilization, neuro mobilization and muscle inhibition techniques. Patients are then guided through self-stretching exercises that help them maintain their range of motion.
3. Development of Neuromuscular Control for Strength & Endurance:
Our team progresses towards stabilization exercises by increasing repetitions, focusing on muscle endurance, initiating extremity strengthening exercises to build stability and neuromuscular control. Adding to this, the stability also improves and the repetition of movements builds muscle endurance, allowing muscles to work for long durations without getting tired.
4. Kinesthetic Training:
Experts at ABTP, guide the patients with safe mechanics to maintain proper posture, which centralizes the symptoms. This includes practicing stable spine lifting, neck bending activities, pushing, pulling and reaching. All these techniques are leveraged to help the patients restore normal moving patterns. The incorporation of kinesthetic training, thus, helps to reduce strain on the body, lower pain symptoms and prevent further injury.
5. Return to Normal Activities: Techniques of postural stress relief and relaxation are suggested by the Experts. The methods referred help to promote relaxation of cervical muscles and enable patients to return to daily activities with greater comfort.
