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Core Strengthening For a Stronger You

excellent core strengthening is done at abtp physiotherapy clinic near you

A strong core improves your strength and stamina offering various benefits to our body. It is essential not only for the athletes but for every individual, be it desk workers, children, or elderly people.

Let’s Understand what is core & core muscles?

The core is more than just your abs; it’s the central part of your body, involving the stomach, pelvis, lower back, and hips. Core muscles stabilize and support the spine, pelvis, and hips, making them essential for balance and movement. This makes core strength crucial for overall body function and stability

The portion being highlighted in the above given video actually forms your core and core Strength is essential for performing everyday activities such as performing actions like bending down, turning around or even sitting on a chair. 

CORE STRENGTHENING: The muscles You Need to Focus On

Fact Check: Pelvic Floor houses various organs like gallbladder, urethra , uterus , intestine, cervix , vagina and rectum . Pelvic floor muscles such as Hamstring, hip flexors and abductors help in attaining stability, movement and also in execution of other important procedures like urination and bowel movements. The muscles that are involved in the core are as follows :-

  1. Rectus abdominis: This muscle stabilizes the internal organs and is often associated with six pack muscles . 

  2. Transverse abdominis: It is a horizontal muscle which is involved in the movement and promotes the stability of the spine. 

  3. Obliques are present at sides of the body and play an important role in spinal protection and rotation. 

  4. Quadratus Lumborum: This is the muscle at the back , right from lowest ribs to top of pelvis and is often affected in case of back pain, mobility and posture issues.

    Supreme benefits of the core strengthening at abtp

    Why is Core Strengthening Important for YOU?

    It is a common myth amongst everyone that core strengthening means just working on your abs , but it includes strengthening of your hips, pelvis , glutes , back , and training of the core muscles for better strength and stability.

    At ABTP we focus on various aspects to make your core stronger than ever! Let’s find out how:

    1. Improved Posture and Support: Prolonged desk work, phone use, and study hours often lead to poor posture. Core-strengthening exercises guided by ABTP experts can help build supporting muscles and enhance your posture.

    2. Increased Stability: Stability is more than just standing upright—it's about moving smoothly and with ease. Core strengthening at ABTP enhances balance, making tasks like lifting, climbing stairs, and standing up effortless.

    3. Prevent or Treat Pain: Back or hip pain? A weak core might be the cause. At ABTP, expert assessments and personalized training programs strengthen your core, prevent pain, and improve your quality of life.


    4. Improving Balance: Poor balance can result from aging, medication, or illness. With proper core strengthening guided by ABTP experts, you can enhance your stability and stay motivated to improve your balance.

    5. Better Exercise Form: Core strengthening not only improves your sitting and standing posture but also enhances your exercise techniques. Poor form during exercises like squats, crunches, or deadlifts can lead to serious injuries. With expert guidance at ABTP, you can perfect your form and excel in your workouts safely.

    6. Making everyday easier:  Strengthening your core muscles and better posture will certainly offer various benefits for everyday movements such as bending , sudden turns and lifting objects making activities of daily living easy. 

    remember that abtp is the supreme physiotherapy center available near you

    Core strengthening at ABTP, not only enhances the muscle coordination stabilising the spine and pelvis, but also promotes better posture and balance. Furthermore, strong core muscles reduce strain on the spine and improve force distribution during activities, making daily movements more efficient reducing the risk of injury.



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